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 1. Tom Andry & Clint DeBoer  AVRant-067-Focusing on Priorities  www.avrant.com 
 2. Bob Biehl  Focusing  Focusing by Asking 
 3. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #47  Focusing on Solutions 
 4. Dr. Jane Nelsen Ed.D.  Focusing on Solutions #38  Focusing on Solutions 
 5. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #45  Focusing on Solutions 
 6. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #46  Focusing on Solutions 
 7. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #48  Focusing on Solutions 
 8. Dr. Jane Nelsen Ed.D.  Focusing on Solutions #41  Coaching with Dr. Jane 
 9. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #49  Focusing on Solutions 
 10. Joe Bagby  Focusing Your Hearts  4th and Elm Church of Christ 
 11. Jane Nelsen Ed.D.  Focusing on Solutions #28  Focusing on Solutions 
 12. Positive Discipline  Focusing on Solutions #11  www.positivediscipline.com 
 13. Dr. Jane Nelsen Ed.D.  Focusing on Solutions #38  Focusing on Solutions 
 14. Angelo Cannavo  Accidentally Focusing On Your Breasts   
 15. Dr. Jane Nelsen  Focusing on Solutions #44 (Family Meetings)  Focusing on Solutions 
 16. Harriet Bond  What is your Priorities 08-26  Thy Way Ministries 
 17. Eric Leick  Priorities   
 18. Church on the Rock Waco  God's Three Priorities That Must Become Our Priorities  Church on the Rock Waco 
 19. K obrazu svímu  Priorities   
 20. bicyclemark  bm126 Focusing on the Global Terrorism Report  The Report they want to hide 
 21. Aesqe  aesqe [priorities ep 04] 999  Priorities EP 
 22. Dr. Jim Bradford  Our Possessions and God's Priorities  Misc Topics 
 23. David Cobia  Good Priorities  The Good Life 
 24. Aesqe  aesqe [priorities ep 05] 448  Priorities EP 
 25. Kenneth Horton  Refreshing Priorities  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 26. Edward J. Reiter  Three Primary Priorities, 12-07-04  Copyright 2004, Mount Zion F. 
 27. Glenn Frey  Preservation and Priorities  Expedition Earth 
 28. Won Yong Ko  Setting Priorities  New Era, January 2008 
 29. Fr Thomas Soroka  Ordering our Life's Priorities  Sermons at St Nicholas 
 30. David Luke  Discipleship Priorities: What is really needed?  Following Jesus 
   1 2 3 4 5 6    »
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